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Vertices Count - Controls generated mesh vertex count horizontally and vertically. Final vertex count is displayed in the upper right corner. Depending on the vertex count generated mesh can be in 16 or 32 bit index format.
Choosing the Resolution option instead of the Vertices, calculates vertex count horizontally and vertically in the way that vertex 2D grid always has quad shape. In this case final mesh vertex count depends on the source terrain length & width sizes and is displayed in the terrains list section:
Normals for the generated meshes can be read directly from the terrain or calculated from the mesh, in this case normals will be much smoother, but may lost some details.
Chunks Count - Splits converted terrain mesh into multiple pieces, defined by Horizontal and Vertical count properties.
Edge Fall - Extrudes edges on the perimeter:
Y Value - Defines world space Y position for extruded vertices.
If Save In Submesh is disabled, extruded vertices have the same UV values as on the perimeter. Otherwise, extruded vertices are saved as a sub-mesh with new UVs and TTM will generate new material for them with simple procedural or user defined texture.
Generate Collider - Creates separate mesh for collider use. Vertex count is calculating by (main mesh vertex count * Resolution value). If Resolution is set to 1, then collider mesh is not generated and the main mesh is used in MeshCollider.
Pivot Point - Allows choosing position of the pivot point for generated meshes.