Quick Start
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Last updated
Open Quick Start scene from the Amazing Assets → Terrain To Mesh → Example Scenes folder:
Open Terrain To Mesh editor window from the Main Toolbar → Window → Amazing Assets → Terrain To Mesh:
Before using TTM editor tool, reset its settings using Context Menu → Reset option:
For converting terrain into a mesh, drag and drop it from the Hierarchy windows inside TTM editor window or by clicking on the Add All Scene Terrains button.
TTM window will display terrain and its resources usage:
Click on the Run button at the bottom of the TTM editor window.
TTM will convert terrain (SnowTerrain) into a mesh, create material for it using Splatmap shader and instantiate ready to use prefab in the scene in the same position as the source Unity terrain object:
Note, if the Unity Console window displays Splatmap shader compilation errors, check the Update Splatmap Shader chapter below.
Note, Terrain To Mesh asset does not create holes in meshes.
Terrain holes in generated meshes are rendered using alpha cutout shader.
Adjust generated mesh resolution by increasing Vertex Count and click on the Run button again.
Terrain mesh will be re-generated and prefab in the scene will be automatically updated to reflect those changes.