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The TerrainToMeshPrototype class stores Tree, Grass or DetailMesh prefab's location in the TerrainData object.
GameObject treePrefab
Reference to the tree prefab, in the case if current object represents a Tree.
Texture2D grassTexture
Reference to the texture, in the case if current object represents a Grass.
GameObject detailMeshPrefab
Reference to the detail mesh prefab, in the case if current object represents a DetailMesh.
int prototypeIndex
In the case of a Tree this is the index of object inside array.
In the case of a Grass or DetailMesh this is the index of object inside array.
Vector3 position
Object's local position related to the terrain-space
Quaternion rotation
Object's local rotation related to the terrain-space.
Vector3 scale
Object's local scale related to the terrain-space.
Vector3 surfaceNormal
Terrain's surface normal vector direction at the point of this object's position.